Starting a business blog has never been easier with WordPress, Blogger, Joomla and others all available to help any aspiring blogger to get started.
However, maintaining a blogging is not easy and it is estimated most new bloggers will fail within 90 days.
There are a number of reasons for this including the following four:
1. The Business Blog Is Not Given Enough Time To Show Results
One of the biggest misconceptions most small businesses believe is that their business blog will automatically yield returns. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Consider blogging to be like an investment in your infrastructure. If you buy a new processing machine it is unlikely to make its cost back for at least a couple of months if not years. Most business leaders think blogging is free and therefore the returns should be almost instantaneous.
The truth is blogging is not free, even if you write the content yourself. The time you spend producing, publishing and promoting your blog post is valuable time which has a cost.
What you need to do is give your business blog time to collect authority. This could be between six to twelve months. It may seem like a long time, but companies who do this can expect to see 97% more inbound links and up to 500% more leads.
2. The Content Is Not Appealing To The Audience
Blogging is about distributing knowledge and solutions to your audience. Those businesses who use the platform to just promote themselves will often find their efforts are in vain.
Your visitors, when they first arrive, will not care about your business, products or news. They are there because they have a problem and they want a solution.
Tailor your content so that it is all about your customer. Discover what problems they are looking to solve and create posts based on the solutions. Customers who find your solutions effective will want to know more about your brand and this is when you can talk about your business.
3. Not Enough Time To Create The Content
This is one of the most common reasons why business blogs fail.
Business owners become too busy to sit down and write their posts. Business blogs which have content published sporadically can perform worse than having no blog at all. However, with the benefits of a blog so high, producing enough content is so important.
To avoid this there are two options: setup a schedule so you are always ahead of your blogging schedule or hire a professional blogger.
If you want to create the content yourself, you have to prepare posts in advance. This allows you to always have content ready to go, even when you are busy.
Hiring a professional blogger is not necessarily expensive and the amount of time and traffic they can generate will give you a significant return in the long run.
4. Lack Of Promotion
Your business blog is a content platform and while up to 75% of your traffic may come from search engines, you still need to promote your blog in other ways.
One particular group you need to promote to is your previous visitors. Research has shown 70% of your visitors will not return unless you sign them up to your email list.
Use social media and sign up visitors to your email lists to deliver visitors to your site.
Blogging is a perfect method to grow your business but you need to give it time to establish itself and work for you.
Utilise the best practices to create an excellent business blog and drive traffic to your site over the long period.